We spend a lot of time on our sofas which means you’ll encounter spills and stains at some point. We all know that stains should be treated as soon as possible, but we can get lazy or just don’t have the time to get to it. The best thing you can do is clean it as soon as you can, otherwise you might have a permanent reminder. There are times that getting to a stain right away just isn’t possible. Google stain removal and may be lead to believe that set in stains are impossible to remove. But even stains that took place a long time can be removed.
Removing Old Stains from Upholstery
If you want to keep upholstery in good shape, it’s a good idea to vacuum regularly to prevent debris from settling onto and into your furniture. Even old stains can look better when they are vacuumed. Vacuuming also gives you a better idea of how bad the stain is when the loose particles have been removed. Vacuuming should always be the first step in stain removal.
Cleaning Codes for Fabric Upholstery
All furniture is labeled with cleaning codes that need to be followed. It’s always the best way to ensure you won’t damage your furniture when you try and remove a stain. Some furniture can only be cleaned with water, while others can handle different solutions. Always perform a spot test on a hidden area to make sure the solution you use won’t negatively affect your upholstery.
Steam Cleaner for Couches
Using steam is an option if your furniture can be cleaned with water. It’s great at breaking up the stain so it will be more responsive to treatment. Grab an iron and give the steam button a press for a smaller area or use a steam cleaner for larger areas.
Spot Clean Sofas
These steps will determine if a simple solution will do the trick. If you can use water, mix cool water with a little dish soap and use a sponge. Never rub a stain because it can spread the stain and weaken the fibers. Follow with a rinse and blot with a clean cloth. For furniture that can’t be cleaned with water, you can try vinegar and a cloth to blot the stain. If you aren’t successful, then you can try stronger solutions to treat the stain. Again, you need to spot test the solution in a hidden area first. You might have to rinse and repeat. If the stain you’re treating has resisted all these efforts-it’s a stubborn one. It may be a little irritating to do this all over again, but it might be successful if you try it again. If you are successful at removing an impossible stain;celebrate! Share the good news with your family and friends and take pride in your accomplishment.
Carpet Cleaning & More in Cathedral City, Indio, Riverside, Coachella Valley, California
Prevention is always better than having to deal with a removing a stain. Try not to ignore a fresh stain. You’ll get the best results if you act within 15 minutes, but even set in stains can be removed. Contact Palm Springs Carpet Cleaners if you can’t remove an old stain.