Generally, most people think of wine, juice or chocolate—or maybe pets or small children having accidents when it comes to carpet stains. For those that experience bleeding on their clothes, most people know that blood stains are among the toughest stains. Though it is easier if you are able to treat the stain while the blood is still wet, cleaning blood from carpets is no simple task. If a terrible mishap is what caused the stain in the first place, this may not be possible though. Today, we at Palm Springs Carpet Cleaners would like to share tips for removing blood from the carpet.
How Do You Remove New & Dried Blood Stains from Carpet?
Cold Water. You can always start with cold water if you would rather not mix up and apply chemical solutions. Fill a squirt bottle with cool water and apply water to the bloodstain, use a wet vac to remove the water or pat dry with a towel, working from the outside of the stain in.
Hydrogen Peroxide. To ensure that it will not cause discoloration, you should test it out on a corner of your carpet prior to using this chemical. You can use a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide to carefully moisten the stain if your carpet passes the test. Allow it to sit for up to an hour, and then use a wet cloth to blot it. Finish by letting it air dry.
Salt Paste. For up to an hour, and then use a wet cloth to blot it. Finish by letting it air dry, this is a method that works well. Pour in some cool water with a mug or bowl. Create a thin paste by adding 3 tablespoons of salt to it, or more if necessary. Let it sit for five or six minutes after spreading the paste over the affected spot. Making sure not to rub the stain in, use either a cloth or a paper towel to blot it dry. You can repeat the process, if necessary, but any leftover salt residue can be cleaned with a broom or vacuum.
Liquid Dishwashing Detergent Solution. With cool water fill a small bucket, add 1 ½ teaspoons of liquid dishwashing detergent. Completely soak a clean, white cloth in the bucket, since you can see if you are picking up the stain. Dampen the spot by wringing out the excess liquid and applying the treated cloth on top of the stain without oversaturating the area. With an old toothbrush, and gently scrub the now-soaked area. Rinse it clean by using a wet cloth to blot the affected area to finish the
OxiClean. You should refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for this method. Generally, the directions instruct you to dissolve the powdered OxiClean into warm water. From there, apply the solution to the stain. To completely saturate the stain, make sure to use sufficient amounts. With a cloth, finish by blotting it. Additionally, this is usually effective on other spots like coffee, wine, and pet stains as well.
Steam Carpet Cleaning, Stain Removal & More in Cathedral City, Indio, Riverside & Coachella Valley, California
If you find the stains are too stubborn, call Palm Springs Carpet Cleaners and let our experts deep clean your carpets and help you combat stains.